2021-08-10 07:48:00华夏高考网1.How do you code an infinite loop in C?
2. Volatile:
a) What does the keyword volatile mean? Give an example
b) Can a parameter be both const and volatile? Give an example
c) Can a pointer be volatile? Give an example
3. What are the values of a, b, and c after the following instructions:
int a=5, b=7, c;
c = a+++b;
4, What do the following declarations mean?
a) const int a;
b) int const a;
c) const int *a;
d) int * const a;
e) int const * a const;
5. Which of the following statements describe the use of the keyword static?
a) Within the body of a function: A static variable maintains its value between function revocations
b) Within a module: A static variable is accessible by all functions within that module
c) Within a module: A static function can only be called by other functions within that module
6. Embedded systems always require the user to manipulate bits in registers or variables. Given an integer variable a, write two code fragments.
The first should set bit 5 of a. The second shnuld clear bit 5 of a. In both cases, the remaining bits should be unmodified.
7. What does the following function return?
char foo(void)
unsigned int a = 6;
iht b = -20;
char c;
(a+b > 6) ? (c=1): (c=0);
return c;
8. What values are printed when the following C program is executed?
int i = 8;
void main(void)
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