2021-08-10 09:21:35华夏高考网 2015渣打SC笔试主要考哪些呢?下面小编来给大家分享下:
1.我申请的是上海暑期实习financial market部门,首先要求注册及填写基本信息,这个非常简单。
2.进行online test。分两个部分,第一个是图形逻辑题logical test,第二个是数理题numerical test。
· Subscribers by Age and gender
· The 75+ age group shows the greatest proportional gender difference in the percentage of subscribers of all the age group listed: True
· What percentage of the female subscribers was over 54 years old: 30%
· The majority of male subscribers are less than 35 years old: False
· There were more male subscribers in the Unver 18 than female subscribers: Not possible to say
· Annual average oil price
· On how many occasions did both the annual average prices of oil and gold fall compared with the Pvious year: 2
· In percentage terms, the annual average price of oil increased more than that of gold between Year 9 and 10: False
· The ratio of gold to oil annual average prices was at its highest in Year2: True
· In which year did the annual average price of gold increase while that of oil fall: Year6
· Club membership trends
· Year 3 to 5 continues, what would be the membership of activate in year 7: 2,000
· What percentage did total membership of all four increase over the 5 years: 50%
· Which club the greatest proportional change from 3 to 4: Zone one
· River fitness and carter’s showed the same proportional increase between year 1 and 3: False
· Company market share
· Company B accounted for total units sold in Quarter 2: 35%
· How many units did company F sell less in Q2 to Q1: 13
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