2021-08-11 01:43:36华夏高考网Opened in May of the calendar
My mind's far far beneath the bitter
Opened in May of the calendar
Adds a dash of my heart Anxiety
Over the war in Iraq is still shrouded in the clouds
Kosovo earth is filled with thick smoke
Hegemonists arbitrary interference in the internal affairs
Japanese right-wingers deny the history of aggression against China
Discordant symphony of peace in the world hidden in the melody is
Ah long human societies
InterPtation of how many years of suffering
A long history of civilization ah
How many tragedies frequently staged
Numerous iron facts tell us that
Ignorance on bullying
Opened in May Calendar
My confidence has doubled
Faith is strong fortress
Ideal as the flame burning
Rang the voice of peace in the world as early as
Seeds of friendship has been rooted in hearts
Time the trumpet sounded in the river north and south
Spring breeze of reform are blowing Shuyang earth
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