世界动物日是几月几日 世界动物日英文介绍
2023-07-17 22:30:08华夏高考网2022年世界动物日是几月几日
“世界动物日” (World Animal Day),是每年的10月4日 ,源自12世纪意大利天主教修道士圣方济各的倡议。
it isuggested that people have been aware of the issue--lack of Pservation
for endangered spieces, animaland plants, but ayou see , theplaced little
effortto cope with the probledespite the versatilitand intricacof instrument, i
would pore over some of the most striking oneand offer
one of the major reason, causing people'inocence of protecting animals, ithat the government did not function well aan educator, arosing people'initiative in shielding wild animals, which led to the consequence that people do not know their responsibilitto Pvent animalfrom dangers, and specific knowledge in guarding the what iequallimportant athe reason mentioned above ithat media did not meet our satisfaction to inform the masof the emergencwhich icrutial in arousing people'conciousnesto keep animalsafe.
in spite of the seriouproblem, measure leading to profound improvement still can be taken. owning to the fact that fundare insufficient in some developing countries, developed countrieor international organizationshould shoulder more burden -- finacing them in order to capacitate them to accompolish the protection of animals. at the same time, education in telling people the wato make animalharboured ought to be focused on, thuresulting in people'better awarenesin the camouflage of our planet'cutest creatures.
mananimalare in danger of dying out. aishown in the chart, we can see the number of animal speciedecreasefaster and faster and thitrend will continue. from 1980 to 20xx, at least 1 million animal speciehave disappeared. worse still, more and more wild animalare in great danger. it inot a piece of sensational news; it ia fact, a harsh reality. unfortunately, we manot see these animalin the near future.
from the second picture, we can find some reasons. whithe number of animal speciedeclining year byear? apparentlanimalhave become victimof fashion industry. animal skin habeen used to make fashionable clotheand these clothesell at a high price. so some greedpeople begin to kill animalin a large quantity. thiirresponsible behavior not onlbreakthe balance of nature but also endangerthe living environment of human beings.
(一)、有关于爱护动物的句子 世界动物日,保护我们的朋友
afar ai am concerned, something must be done to stop thiillegal action. we believe "no buying, no killing". first, we must make concerning lawto protect these animalin danger. second, we must take some measureto protect animaleffectively. animalare our friendand part of our environment. third, we should raise people'awarenesto protect animaland our environment. in thiway, we can build a harmoniousocietand ensure a sustainable development.
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