2021-10-28 03:50:31华夏高考网凡购买我公司产品保修壹年,在质保期内出现质量问题,本公司免费维修,终身提供技术支持及配件。售后服务不受时间限制,在接到电话后立即派人解决,听取用户反馈意见并及时处理。如果您在使用我们的产品时遇到问题,欢迎随时与我们联系。
After-sales Service Letter of Commitment:
All products purchased in our company are guaranteed to keep in good repair for one year. If quality problems happen in guarantee period, our company will maintain for free. Additionally, our company provides technical support and fittings for life. After-sales service isn't restricted by time and we will assign technical personnel to solve your problems immediately after receiving telephone and hear feedback idea of users and deal with them in time. If you are caught in some problems when using our products, welcome to contact us at any time.
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