
2023-11-05 09:49:05华夏高考网


1、I love the spring, because the spring is full of vitality, full of new hope!



2、You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep Spring from coming!


3、Spring is the dream season,spring is the life marine.


4、An optimist is the human personification of spring.


5、A year‘s plan starts with spring.


6、Everything has started to change in spring, Look, the trees are turning green.


7、It‘s hard to resist the beauty of a fresh spring day, The air is crisp, and the sun feels like warm hugs.


8、If winter comes, can spring be far behind?

如果冬天来了, 春天还会远吗?

9、Spring is like a painter, painted with a vibrant color.


10、the puff of breeze comes abreast with the charming spring, you ought to cheer up as everytihng is gonna sing.


11、Sow nothing, reap nothing.


12、I like seeing the flowers and trees bud and bloom. Everything is so dead looking in winter and then things start coming back to life in spring.


13、Spring is a very beautiful season.


14、In spring, the sunlight is bright and beautiful, alive with organic season.


15、The birds are singing happily in the trees, the flowers are showing their smiles to us in spring.




There are few frosts in the evening of Luhuai New Year, and the grass and trees in the world are known in the spring.


Without sowing in spring, summer will not grow, autumn will not harvest, winter will not taste.


Spring flowers blossom, summer harvest busy, autumn fruits, winter comfortably sitting by the stove.


I have enjoyed the joy of the world, the joy of youth has long passed, the spring of life is far away from me.


The trees are green and cloudy in the deep spring. The village of Beishenan is only separated by streams. The boat moves alone with the wind, and the poplar blossoms rush across the west of Xiaoqiao.


Wait for leisure to know the East Wind, it is always spring.


A swallow can't bring spring, a sunny day can't bring vitality.


Daughter is the spring water: you wait for it, look at it happy, but it came away.


If winter comes, will spring be far behind?


Where does spring return? There is no way to go. If anyone knows where Spring is going, call him back and live with him.


The spring sun has injected new life into even the humblest flower.


As long as the night is, the day will come; as long as the winter is, the spring will come.


Spring is often rainy and windy, and spring is empty when it is rainy and clear.


The spring tide rains late and urgently, and the wild ferry boats run wild.


Spring annoys people and blossoms fall all over the ground.


Spring can not shut the garden, a red apricot out of the wall.


Without flowers in spring and love in life, what kind of world would it be?


Youth is like praised spring.


Every year the fireworks are fine and the grass is green. Wax clogs, a pair of traces to send, looking for the spring walk short pavilion.


Young people are full of energy, just like the river in spring.


If you complain about the mud after thawing, you don't know spring.


Can we still find flowers missed in spring and summer in late autumn?


Spring breeze is on the South Bank of the Green River. When will the moon shine on me?


Spring is full of vitality because of the milk of snowflakes.


It's late night and early morning. The warm wind of spring is decadent and blurred.


The will and warm current of spring are gradually driving away the cold winter.


Youth, like spring, is an overflowing season.


1) 春水碧于天,画船听雨眠。

Water, biyutian ship rain sleeps。

2) 好雨知时节,当春乃发生.

The rain season, when spring is happening。

3) 谁言寸草心,报得三春晖!

Who made the heart-inch grass, at a three chunhui。

4) 不知细叶谁裁出,二月春风似剪刀。

Know who thin leaf cut out, breeze like scissors。

5) 野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。

Wildfires burn born again when the spring breeze blows。

6) 迫不得已花落去,似曾相识燕归来。

Forced to whispering, familiar yan return。

7) 更深月夜半人家,北斗阑干南斗斜。

Deeper in the midnight, beidou crisscross Sagittarius。

8) 春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。

Spring sleep unknowingly xiao, everywhere smell to birds。

9) 落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花。

No not heartless, maternal gentleness more protect flower。

10) 羌笛何必怨杨柳,东风不度玉门关。

11) QiangDi why blame the willows, dongfeng degree yumenguan。

12) 不知细叶谁裁出,仲春东风似剪刀。

Know who thin leaf cut out, air dongfeng like scissors。

13) 杨花落尽子规啼,闻道龙标过五溪。

It all cuckoo cries, wen dao Long Biao five streams。

14) 等闲识得东风面,万紫千红总是春。

15) Afford to recognize dongfeng, full always spring。

16) 东风双绿江南岸,明月何时照我还。

Dongfeng double green river, south when the moon as I also。

17) 春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还。

The spring breeze and green river, south when the moon as I also。

18) 春心莫共花争发,一寸相思一寸灰。

19) Stop paying for hair, one inch long for one inch ash。

20) 几处早莺争暖树,谁家新燕啄春泥。

Several early warbler for warm tree, the new young yan peck mud。

21) 爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏。

Firecrackers in New Year's eve, the spring breeze gifts into the toso。

22) 春潮带雨晚来急,野渡无人舟自横。

Spring tides occur, hurry take rain late spots no boat from the cross。

23) 春江潮水连海平,海上明月共潮生。

Riverside tidal sea level, a total of sea moon tide health。

24) 故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州。

Yangzhou under the old west yellow crane tower, the fireworks in March。

25) 惆怅东栏一株雪,人生看得几清明。

Melancholy east bar one inpidual plant snow, life is to see a few。


1) a year‘s plan starts with spring.一年之计在于春。

2) Spring Festival is the most important and popular festival in China.(春节在中国是最重要和大众化的节日。)Chinese people usually clean and decorate our houses before Spring Festival.(中国人通常在春节前清洁和装饰屋子。)At Spring Festival people get together and have a big dinner.(人们在春节一起吃一顿大晚餐。)

3) summer is the second season in a year. it is between spring and autumn. the sun of summer is the hottest; the water of summer is the warmest; the places of interests in summer are the most crowded throughout the world.

4) 春联 Spring Festival couplets

5) spring walked along with the shatter, in the summer threw over a body’s green leaf to jump in the warm braw is walking.

6) 许久不见,但愿枫叶载情,在你干涸的心田撒下春的种子;在 同一片星空下,让远离的你我,共同编织思念的花环。 we haven’t seen each other for a long time. may maple bring my love and sow seeds of spring; under the same starry sky, let us, the distant two, weave a garland of missing.

7) if winter comes, can spring be far behind冬天来了,春天还会远吗?

8) however, spring summer autumn and winter, they are always in a white coat.不论,春夏秋冬,他们,总穿着白大褂。

9) 春节 The Spring Festival

10) 买年货 special purchases for the Spring Festival ; do Spring Festival shopping

11) 某公司招聘,下一位该面试的女孩的英文名是"spring"。秘书欲借机卖弄一下自己的英语水平,喊道:Hi!那个叫"春"的,轮到你了!

12) if winter comes, can spring be far behind ?( p. b. shelley, british poet )冬天来了,春天还会远吗?( 英国诗人, 雪莱. p. b.)

13) Spring walked along with the shatter, in the summer threw over a body’s green leaf to jump in the warm braw is walking.

14) if winter comes, can spring be far behind ?( p. b. shelley, british poet )冬天来了,春天还会远吗?( 英国诗人, 雪莱. p. b.)

15) Gorgeous moon adorns spring night, with the earth. the sky like the face of the transparency of the sea, and quiet, broad, and mysterious. luxuriant star, like the sea sweet little fire, twinkling, a tiny light. the fields and villages, trees, in the quiet sleep, on the silver gauze. the hill, like clouds, like the sea island, as though to call the night cruise ships, and shining up a red light.洁白的月光装饰了春天的夜空,也装饰了大地。夜空像无边无涯的通明的大海,恬静、宽广、而又奥秘。繁密的星,好像海水里漾起的小火花,闪闪耀烁的,跳动着粗大的光点。旷野、乡村、树木,在寂静的就寝里,披着银色的薄纱。山,模模糊糊,像云,又像海上的岛屿,似乎为了呼唤夜航的船只,时时地闪亮起一点两点嫣红的火光。

16) that is an oil painting of a landscape in spring.那是一幅描绘春天景色的油画。

17) A musical bell, bewitching flowers are subject to time constraints only blessing of eternal forever I will always bless you for giving me the wisdom spring-my teacher.悦耳的铃声,妖艳的鲜花 都受时间的限制 只有我的祝福永恒 永远永远祝福您 给我智慧之泉的老师。

18) youth is like spring, such as asahi, such as hundreds of flowers sprouting, such as the edge of begin to display one’s talent, life is the most Pcious of the time. the youth of the society, like fresh new cells in the body.青春如初春,如朝日,如百卉之萌动,如利刃之新发于硎,人生最宝贵之时期也。青年之于 社会,犹新鲜活泼细胞之在身。

19) One swallow does not make a spring。 孤燕不报春。

20) 思念中我一千次一万次地问鸿雁问明月问春风,愿鸿雁将我的眷恋捎给你;愿明月将我的问候带给你;愿春风将我的关切送给你!I pray for the swan goose, the moonlight and the spring breeze forthousands of times, wishing the swan goose can bring my miss toyou; the moonlight can convey my greeting to you ; the spring breeze can send my care to you!

21) Our beloved teacher, you are the spring shower that moistens our hearts. The love and care you have given us will encourage us to go through a long and arduous journey.亲爱的老师,您就象那春天的细雨,滋润着我们的心田。您给予我们的爱和关怀将鼓舞着我们走过艰难困苦。

22) it is the freshness of the deep spring of life. 青春是生命的深泉在涌流。



关于珍惜春天的经典名言名句 11、瘦雪一痕墙角,青子已妆残萼。--金·王庭筠《谒金门》2、春天的太阳甚至能给最普通的花带来新生--司徒特3、晚秋季节还能找到春天和夏天错过的鲜花吗?4、爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏。5、爱情是春天的花朵,夏夜的明月,也还会有秋天的泥泞、冬天的冰雪。只有用纯洁的品德作桥梁,以崇高的理想为纽带连结起来的爱情,才是真正的爱情。--章传家6、一春常是雨和风,风雨晴时春已空...查看更多



读书关于春天的诗句或名言名句11) 春游——东风知我欲山,吹断檐间积雨声。2) 春思——春心莫共花争发,一寸相思一寸灰。3) 春寂——春潮带雨晚来急,野渡无人舟自横。4) 春愁—问君能有几多愁,恰似一江春水向东流5) 春梦——枕上片时春梦中,行尽江南数千里。6) 春恨——人生自是有情痴,此恨不关风和月。7) 春归——落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花。8) 春日迟迟,卉木萋萋。仓庚喈喈,采蘩祁祁。9)...查看更多




23) Our beloved teacher, you are the spring shower that moistens our hearts. The love and care you have given us will encourage us to go through a long and arduous journey.亲爱的老师,您就象那春天的细雨,滋润着我们的心田。您给予我们的爱和关怀将鼓舞着我们走过艰难困苦.

24) Summer is the second season in a year. It is between spring and autumn. The sun of summer is the hottest; the water of summer is the warmest; the places of interests in summer are the most crowded throughout the world.

25) have a heart of spring, ecstatic to in full bloom; again the sea, the mind can open; good, play to have womb agile; the eyes have god, the look line to sharp; arm strength, make moves to the punch; with rhythm, steps are to light. 心里有春天,心花才能怒放;胸中有大海,胸怀才能开阔;腹中有良策,处事才能利落;眼睛有炯神,目光才能敏锐;臂膀有力量,出手才有重拳;脚步有节奏,步履才能轻盈。