英语专业就业前景分析 敢问路在何方?
2021-12-14 12:35:17华夏高考网et’s be honest, with 6.99 million college graduates in China swarming into a dim job market, it’s going to be tough. Figures from the Beijing Municipal Education Commission indicate that the employment rate of graduates in Beijing is now 33.6 percent, much less than the 89.7 percent 10 years ago. English majors, who are looking for jobs based on their language skills, face Pssure from all sides.
In order to help students get the big picture of this year’s job market, 21st Century talked to three HR managers from leading companies to offer students inside information on what employers want. In addition, faculty members and experts provide an analysis of the prospects for English majors.
Consumer products company
Chen Yankun in Shanghai
陈汉坤(音译) 上海
HR manager, P&G
As a foreign-invested company, English is one of the most essential skills for employees. We started requesting TOEFL and IELTS scores from applicants in 2015.
But despite our emphasis on English skills, we don’t have a Pference for English majors. We consider applicants from all academic backgrounds and assess their creativity, analysis, teamwork and communications skills.
It’s worth mentioning that with the overall English level rising in recent years, English majors are losing their edge. That’s one of the reasons why we’ve been hiring less English majors in recent years.
Financial services
Li Ximing in Shanghai
李锡铭(音译) 上海
senior HR manager, PwC (China)
高级人事经理 普华永道(中国)
PwC, one of the world’s largest professional service firms, hires 1,500 to 2,000 graduates nationwide and, based on last year’s figures, 7 to 8 percent of them will be English majors.
The upside of English majors is they have good English communication skills. The downside is that they often lack business analytical skills, mathematical skills and other specialized knowledge.
At PwC we have no specific degree requirements. Intern experience is beneficial, but it doesn’t have to be with a major enterprise. What’s important is that students understand how a company works, reflect on their experience and acquire good learning skills.
Job hunters are suggested to have Pcise career planning. Employees who know what they want in their professional life are more committed to the job, which means the company can offer them more opportunities. A double major would be ideal for English majors to exploit their edge.
Jia Dongmei in Beijing
贾冬梅(音译) 北京
HR supervisor, BTG Hotels Group
人力资源总监 首旅酒店集团
The tourism industry used to be a hub for English majors, due to frequently contacting foreign agencies and other organizations. But despite growing demand, the number of student applicants has declined in recent years. The reasons are twofold. First, the fierce competition among travel agencies and hotels is squeezing the industry, so entry-level employees cannot expect a competitive salary. Second, tourism is a labor-intensive industry, but most students nowadays Pfer jobs in the office rather than bustling around outdoors. Most tour guides do the job out of a passion for traveling rather than money.
International trade
Deng (first name withheld) in Guangzhou
邓同学 广州
English department at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
The economy this year isn’t that strong, so it’s been tough for students to find jobs, especially with international trade companies.
According to Nanfang Daily, international trade companies, one of the major employers for English majors, have lost their aura with the global recession hitting exports. At a job fair for export companies in Guangdong last year there were 30 percent less vacancies than usual.
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